BFTs: What Funny Text Message Has Your Best Friend Sent?

Priceless 'BFTs' (Best Friend Texts)

We've all received one: the text from your best friend in the world that makes you smile and, often, laugh out loud. It's that message that arrives out of the blue from the person who may know you better than anyone and changes your day, your mood, your outlook.

Today we've decided to celebrate the 'BFT' (Best Friend Text), first by sharing a few favorite messages women in our office have received from their best friends:

"i love you. that is all."

"i'm currently pre-gaming my bikini wax"

"i thought i was your go-to plus one"

"I'm just going to have to suck it up and drink some wine and have sex tonight or ______ is going to divorce me"

"Is big hair back? Really big hair? Keep seeing it and denying it"

Now we'd love to hear from you. What's the most priceless BFT you've ever received?

You can either tweet it @HuffPostWomen using the hashtag #bftext, or, for anonymity's sake, you can email it to us at

We'll compile some stand-outs (no names, email addresses, or Twitter handles included!) in a slideshow on HuffPost Women.

Here's to the BFT -- and the best friends who make our days better.

Celebrating the BFT (Best Friend Text)

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