Birthday Thoughts 2017

Birthday Thoughts 2017
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2017 Birthday Thoughts: About 6 years ago, I decided to fully live out my destiny and in my truth. For many years of my life, I fought against things I knew were wrong. This past year, has been about living in the truth more than ever before and because of that I'm happier and more at peace than ever! I am so very grateful for the beautiful life God has given me with my lover and children and family and friends that have stuck by me through the best and the worst times. My decisions have caused some of those that I love to choose to be absent from my life. Despite years of effort on my part, their choices have remained the same. This past year, I have reconciled so many things in my own heart and finally realized that their choices and their journeys are their own. For my birthday, I didn't hear from my siblings or parents, or those that choose to believe their stories. I did however receive all of your Facebook posts, various text messages, phone calls, private messages, emails, and letters-and that overwhelming love has touched me so deeply! Thank you all! We all have a God Given destiny and this birthday I've realized more than ever that I am walking in mine. I appreciate all of you for letting me be so authentic and real and I appreciate all of your love on my Birthday. My heart overflows with love for all of you. Every year, I strive to do even more to embrace my life fully. Your outpouring of love and kindness to me on my Birthday and in the days previous to my Birthday contribute so much to making my life so full. God always gives us what we need and desire. He knows I need that love and affirmation that you have all given me. I look forward to responding to you all individually over the next couple of days. To my lover Paul and our sons: you have allowed me to live my Ultimate Dream Life filled with your love for me and mine for you. God knew that after Him, I needed only one other thing and that was you 3 and this life that we live. I choose you again and again and thank you for choosing me every day. I love you with all of my heart and soul.

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