Bison Charges And Hurls Another Bison In Yellowstone Showdown

"Prepare fer Rammin' speed, matey!" the National Park Service wrote of the encounter.

Well, blow me down. That’s a mighty buffalo.

The National Park Service celebrated Talk Like A Pirate Day on Sunday by sharing video of a male bison charging and flinging another male bison. (Watch the video below.)

The aggressor heaves up to 2,000 pounds of rival beast, earning the buccaneer tough talk.

“Arrrhhh! Prepare fer Rammin’ speed, matey! 🏴‍☠️” the service wrote of the Yellowstone encounter, which took place last year.

“Durin’ matin’ season, male bison can be mighty aggressive, though all bison ’n other wildlife can be dangerous and give you a heave!” it continued. “Remember to always keep yer distance — 25 yards from bison ’n elk; 100 yards from all other wildlife. Be smart! Avoid mishaps ’n protect yer booty.”

Mating season is late July through August, Yellowstone notes. In general, though, bison can run up to 35 miles an hour and are “extremely agile,” the park service writes.

So say your ahoys from a distance at any time of year.

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