Body Image and the "Greener Grass" Conundrum

Body Image and the "Greener Grass" Conundrum
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Everyone wants what they don’t have. It seems no one is happy.

I’ve come to realize that even most of the women who are held up as shining examples of the current beauty standard don’t love their bodies. Just like us, they long to possess traits they see in their peers: Different hair, different sets of curves, different proportions, different skin color, different everything.

Often, in fact, they desire the direct opposite of what is present: Petite women long for height, dark complexioned women want to be fair, straight-haired women long for curls and boyish figures long for curves.

Most of this is relayed us by the media. Some of that is fed by institutions who promote botox and fillers, and cosmetic surgery; some by companies who sell breast reductions to large-busted women and implants to small-chested women; companies who sell flat-irons to wavy-haired women and curling irons to straight-haired women; companies who sell girdles to women with curves and padded panties to women without curves.

Our collective dissatisfaction with our body and our natural assets feeds massive industries on a daily basis. God forbid if women all over the world woke up one day and believed they loved their body after all, all these industries would be in deep trouble.

However I think it’s possible that some of it is the old “greener grass” conundrum, too.

I have been there. All my life I too have struggled with my body. I was too short, too dark, too heavy, my nose too big, my lips not full enough…. And on and on. It took a long time and a lot of pointed comments before I got the message: I wanted what they had, but they wanted what I had.

The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.

So what can we do?

We can start with ourselves. We can minimize thoughts and comments about our own bodies and our God-given assets that cast us as anything other than beautiful and lovely.

We can support our friends, our loved ones, our colleagues and acquaintances, even strangers, through genuine compliments and open affection. We can talk to each other, communicate, and share.

Writing and publishing my recent books on Body Image and Style: Your Body, Your Style; on the importance of self-love and how it affects our romantic relationships: The SoulMate Checklist; and my recent TEdx talk: Is Your Body Image Holding You Back? all of these have helped me realize more and more that I want to help women to accept themselves. I want them to accept the beautiful and the less beautiful. Perhaps even learn to love themselves and their body.

I want to show every woman that clothes and beauty products are merely tools, ideal for expressing your identity and showing off your assets. I want to prove that beauty doesn’t care about what size jeans you wear or what size your breasts are, what the color of your skin is, and where you are from.

I want to convince a considerable segment of the world’s women that they truly are already beautiful.

And I want to show them that the grass is plenty green right where they’re standing.

© Rani St. Pucchi, 2017

Rani St. Pucchi is an award-winning Couture Fashion Designer, a Style & Image Consultant, and a Relationship Expert. She is a Bestselling Author, a Speaker, an Inspirational Coach and a Trainer. Her #1 International Bestselling Books, Your Body, Your Style: Simple Tips on Dressing to Flatter Your Body Type and The SoulMate Checklist : Keys to Finding Your Perfect Partner are now available on Amazon and at Barnes & Nobles.

For more information on Rani please visit

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