Brelyn Bowman talks How to Live Your Purpose

Brelyn Bowman talks How to Live Your Purpose
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Brelyn Bowman

Brelyn Bowman

Brelyn Bowman is undeniably a glamorous girl, but, most importantly, she is God’s woman. Charting her own course as a minister, entrepreneur, author and now wife, Brelyn lives her life in her powerful purpose to lead people to Christ. Our recent conversation ran the gamut, from building a new relationship with God and the blessings that comes with spiritually-led dating, to her new book, Covered, a deeply personal account of her struggles with anxiety and how she ultimately found her shelter in scripture.

Here are some of my favorite takeaways:

Start small. For new believers or those seeking a deeper connection with God, the questions of how to find purpose and hear His voice come up often. Brelyn suggests starting to get to know God through His word. At the beginning of her own walk, she found that the more that she studied her Bible, the more revelation that she experienced as God downloaded scripture into her spirit. Soon she began to recognize His voice in small areas and that connection grew over time.

As you make time to delve into the word of God with consistency, you will learn His voice.

Choose your most whole instead of your better half. Tradition teaches that we should seek husbands who complete us, when, in fact, we should be whole women seeking men who are equally whole in every area of life, particularly in their relationship with God. Brelyn shared that observing your potential mate’s connection with God is essential. Does he pray? Does he read his Word? Does he only go to church with you and skip those other Sundays? All of these are important indicators as to whether or not you and that really cute dude are on the same spiritual page.

And as you evaluate your own wholeness, focus on healing from offenses such as rejection, so you can choose partners from a place of peace and readiness as opposed to toxicity and need.

It may not look perfect to people, but it’s perfect to God. When you choose to work and walk in your purpose, nothing else matters, including money, looking good or even what others think. “Divorce yourself from the opinions of people,” Brelyn offers. As she developed more confidence and boldness in who God created her to be, appearing crazy to everyone else became inconsequential.

Let God cover you. For years, Brelyn attributed her emotional challenges to the mental and physical fatigue that came from managing a really full life, but eventually God revealed to her that she was battling anxiety. Determined to fight the devil for her divine peace, Breyln overcame her struggles through prayer. Knowing that she was not alone, she bravely decided to share her story in her new book, Covered, to empower with the spiritual tools to do the same.

Stay connected with Brelyn online at Follow Brelyn on all social media @brefree

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