Burping Is Good Manners and 21 Other Etiquette Surprises From Around the World

Burping Is Good Manners and 21 Other Etiquette Surprises From Around the World
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What other countries consider to be polite may surprise you

Brush up on your manners before visiting these countries.

Brush up on your manners before visiting these countries.


The world is a strange and surprising place full of history that is being explored daily by wanderers and adventure-seeking foodies. With so many cultures to explore, each with its own set of social rules and unique backgrounds, it’s no surprise that what is considered to be acceptable etiquette varies culturally depending on the country, region, and tradition.

Sometimes what one sees as rude, such as running late to dinner plans or a lunch date, others see as common courtesy — as is so in Venezuela, where showing up early or on time is seen as a rude gesture. In China, if you burp, it indicates to your host that you enjoyed your meal, and the same is true for making loud slurping noises in Japan. Regardless of what your thoughts may be of the food itself, it’s important to be careful how you come across in other cultures while traveling.


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