Bush Heckled During 4th Of July Speech At Monticello (VIDEO)

Bush Heckled During 4th Of July Speech At Monticello (VIDEO)

The AP reports that protesters repeatedly interrupted President Bush as he gave a speech on the 4th of July at Monitcello:

Anti-war protesters shouted out calls for Bush's impeachment on nine occasions during Bush's brief remarks, and the president responded by saying he agrees that "we believe in free speech in the United States of America."[...]

The 150 or so demonstrators, from a variety of groups opposing Bush's policies on the war in Iraq, also rallied along the path of the president's motorcade to Monticello.

CNN reports that the various protesters yelled such things as "war criminal" and "He has brought fascism to this shore."

Watch the video.

Some pictures of the protesters.

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