Bush to Kids: Drop Dead!

To Bush backers, a government that makes any effort to ease its people's burdens instead creates a legion of brats with outstretched hands asking for "more?"
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"Poor kids first," the Great Dissembler said.

"I believe in private medicine, not the federal government running the health care system," Der Alte Smirker intoned.

And on the sly, he vetoed the bill that would have allotted $35 billion to a health care system from which Americans would benefit, while continuing to rubber stamp the nearly $1 trillion dollars to fund his war-for-hire machine.

You see, by getting health care to more Americans, the government's allies in Big Pharma will feel the squeeze. And they don't like to be squeezed. Not by their mothers. And not by consumers. And after all, revamping health care to allow the majority of Americans participation in a prohibitively expensive system, in which those with mucho moolah can get the best care but those with less cabbage can't is (gasp) Socialized Medicine. It's what the Commies would have done had they won the Cold War instead of us. They would have overrun their newly conquered slaves with affordable health care, those savages. Then maybe the average life span of Americans would be up there with Cuba, Denmark, Chile, South Korea, the United Arab Emirates, Luxembourg, Costa Rica, Ireland, Cyprus, Guadeloupe, Finland, Germany, The United Kingdom, Malta, Belgium, Greece, Martinique, the Netherlands, Austria, Singapore, Norway, New Zealand, Italy, Canada, France, Macau, Israel, Sweden, Spain, Australia, Switzerland, Iceland, Hong Kong and Japan, most of whom have universal health care systems. And for expediency's sake, these countries are now to be referred to as The Axis of Live.

It seems Red is actually better than Dead.

Bush backers ingeniously insist that government is a bad thing when it serves the people, as they have consistently demonstrated by sabotaging it the moment Engorged George sauntered into the Oval Office. Rather than government serving the people they prefer that people serve the government. For in their minds, a government that makes any effort to ease its people's burdens instead creates a legion of atheistic, pampered brats with poor work ethics and outstretched hands asking for "more?" To them, government only governs best which profits most.

With almost no cunning and just a sheer, familiarly brazen "I dare you to stop me" 'tude, Bush has launched another unilateral attack on a weak and defenseless population -- Democrats, forcing them into another ignominious retreat.

When most politicians were/are/will-be-when-they-get-out-of-office well-to-do businessmen, can a citizen really expect his or her best interests -- let alone their welfare -- to be seen to?

Judging by their increasingly Mephistophelean behavior, much of our government seems comprised of profiteers in patriots clothing and George Bush would rather spend a trillion to kill Iraqi children than 35 billion to save American children. I smell brimstone.

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