Calling All Heroes: Understanding What Happened In #Election2016

Calling All Heroes
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In the wake of this election we have the opportunity to bond together to nurture and strengthen the love, the peace, the respect, the courage, the faith, and the divinity in ourselves as well as within our culture.


We voted early and then spent the day quietly in contemplation and meditation on the good of this country, the world, and all the energies in it.

This year, not only because of the election, but because of so many other challenges that have become part of my life, I have spent a lot of time sitting with “what is.” Of course, “what is” is also what was and what will be, so when I asked my soul and the divine for wisdom on what is I saw the confluence of what we like to pretend is past, present, and future.

What I was shown could fill a book. But as it relates to the issues of this election the picture came so clear, so sure, so solid.

Many of you know we are experiencing huge energetic shifts. Not only America, of course, but because of what this country represents symbolically as well as our place on the material global stage, what happens here causes some major waves so to speak.

These shifts are causing some chaos and confusion, some of us are grieving the loss of old patterns, some are struggling to navigate new paradigms. Most are cycling through pain and loss and excitement, even euphoria, daily ― sometimes even moving through multiple stages in the course of an hour. Old hurts are being relived and, if they are tended to, healed, and stories are being brought into the light that have played out in dark secret places since the beginning of time.

And it isn’t only individuals and families that are reliving old wounds in order to finally heal them. Ancient animosities are boiling up to either end in annihilation or unification. And from these energies we have seen the rise of two candidates for the leadership of what we fondly, if not so accurately, call “the free world.”

Many of you have bemoaned the lack of goodly qualities in either candidate. Yet, energetically we can only have what we have wrought. They are where we are in our own evolution. They reflect “what is” for our collective consciousness. They are our energetic signature as a country brought into human form.

They are a composite of the founding principles of America. Personal freedom, a refuge and safe haven for the persecuted and hopeless, rewards for those who strive and are willing to put their all on the line and do the work, expansion and pioneerism, community interdependence and individual independence. Those were new qualities in the world when our footprints were first formed.

But our founders also brought elitism of the white man, enslavement, abuse, and genocide of their fellow humans, oppression of the outsider, religious bludgeoning, worship of material goods, male dominance and competition, and class discrimination. Those wounds still cut deep into the fabric of our nation and they must be healed.

We are now learning (at least Western medicine is now learning) that a virus cannot be overcome when it is suppressed. Treating the symptoms only sends the virus into hiding, to mutate, become resistant, and rise again to destroy the host body. So as we have tried to enforce good, to balance the scales through legislation and social shaming, we have only driven the virus of oppression and bias, enslavement and abuse deep into the “host body” to fester, to colonize, to mutate through fear and resentment into an even uglier form of illness.

And now it is rising. The infection is on the surface and it’s breaking through all over the body. It’s oozing out hate, it’s spewing out violence, it’s coursing with fear and desperation. And now that it is acute we can begin to build up our defenses. Not by giving the body medicines ― antibiotics and chemo and mind and mood altering drugs. But by feeding on what increases our strength, by moving in ways that build our endurance, by each organ and bone and muscle supporting each other in health. We build our nation body the way you’d build your physical body ― we feed it love, we move in grace and harmony, we do the heavy lifting together, we give it rest and the soothing power of healing touch.

Why is this vile virus rising? Because we have candidates that are symbols of our energetic signature. All of the founding principles ― both good and evil ― are evident in one or both of them. They are the inevitable result of what we are, what America now is.

Trump is a perfect representation of our hate, our arrogance, our materialism, our assumption that all things and all people are here to be used by us, and to be discarded when they are no longer of use.

Disregard all that has been said about him and look only at what he himself has said and continues to defend as right and excusable and what emerges is a symbol of the patriarchy and white American elitism. He has shown utter disregard of pretty much all groups except American White Males and has mocked, demeaned, or even threatened violence against anyone who stands against him.

And maybe HE as a person is none of those things. I don’t know him. But that is what he shows us. That is what he symbolizes.

Clinton is a perfect representation of corporatism, of close-held secrets, of government malfeasance, and abuse of power. She’s been in this “game” for most of her adult life. She’s been part of a corrupt structure, one that was corrupt long before she attached herself to it, for most of her adult life. And while, as nearly as we can see, she has not done anything that men in her position have not also done, she is the embodiment of a female encompassing many of the traits we associate with men and demanding all the rights and privileges that have been solely the purview of men. And both men and women are threatened by that.

Maybe SHE as a person is not those things. I don’t know her either although I have followed her for longer. But that is what she symbolizes.

Donald represents what we have had, and will have, if that virus is not overcome. Hillary represents another stepping stone in the bridge toward what CAN be when that virus is laid to rest.

We must heal the wounds of oppression and bias, enslavement and abuse, religious bludgeoning and class discrimination before we can address the ills of corporate and government corruption. Even with Trump in the White House, ESPECIALLY with Trump in the White House, we are still on that same path. It falls to us to bring the illnesses of hate and division, prejudice and abuse that has been part of this country’s energy signature from its foundation into an acute stage, battle it and recover from its harm, nurture the good that is also part of our energy signature, and then when we are not so divided by concepts such as race and class and color and religion and sexuality we can together tackle the ills in our corporate and government structure.

We need unity before we can effectively create integrity. Even the meaning of those two words tell us that is truth.

It’s been difficult, from a human understanding, to keep calm and see the bigger picture. But when I am my full self I can see that all of this is needed. And we must remember this:

They are two souls. Hillary and Donald. They came to play their part in this story just as you did, just as I did. For more than a year I’ve been saying that we are in what would be the third book in the trilogy. You know in the first book a few people become aware that there is a problem ― evil is walking, ever so quietly and carefully ― in the land. And a small band of heroes sets off on a journey to track down that evil and eradicate it. And in the second book many who refused to see that evil are attacked and more heroes begin to answer the call to rise against the enemy. And in the third book the heroes are tried beyond comprehension, armies lay waste to the land, many souls leave their earthly bodies, and the enemy leaves off all cloaks of secrecy and illusion and shows its face ― only to be defeated. We are in that third book, and we it falls to us to defeat that evil.

But do not misunderstand. These souls are not the enemy. Not the candidates and not their followers. They are symbols for the enemy. They came to play that part just as many enemies have before them. The villains are necessary to the story, for without them there are no heroes, there is no enlightenment, there is no salvation. Without Hitler we would not have the inspiration of Anne Frank and Oskar Schindler and countless others. Without Judas we would not have the example of the Christ and his faithful. Without our devils we would never meet our angels.

These are great and meaningful roles that our candidates have taken up. And they have played them to near perfection. They deserve our love and compassion for their divine contribution to this part of our human saga.

And they may yet rise to be heroes even in the human sense. We don’t know how the story goes, only how we want it to end. But even if they embody the symptoms of this virus to the last page we owe them. For without them these symptoms and ills would still be festering unseen in the fabric of what makes us a nation. We would not have the opportunity to see the fear and hate and division and judgements and within ourselves as well as within our culture. We would not have the opportunity to bond together to nurture and strengthen the love, the peace, the respect, the courage, the faith, and the divinity in ourselves as well as within our culture.

We have been given a mirror. We can use it as a shield, or as a window. We can point and blame and accuse or we can imagine and create and step into a newly awakened awareness and unity of all souls present in material form and not.

Regardless of how we feel about the result of this election, they have brought this story to its crisis point. It is up to us to be the heroes.

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