Camaraderie Among the White House Press Corps

Camaraderie Among the White House Press Corps
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We are not the crooked, lying media! In fact, such charges appear to have brought us closer together. I have heard of some reporters who have made up stories, but they are usually driven out of the business. It is much easier to tell the truth than to weave fiction. As many recent events have shown, it is the lying and the cover up that gets you in the end.

When I got into the news business in 1968, I vowed to be an honest journalist. As I wrote in my book (You Wake Me Each Morning – The Final Chapter), my own family was hurt by “yellow journalism” as I was growing up. I urged my parents to fight back and explain the truth, but they argued that would drag out a one day story. Better to let the newspaper line the bottom of a litter box. By the way, that is something you cannot do in the digital age!

Regarding the White House Press Corps, I am now treated better than ever, now that I am the actual senior reporter. The title gives me no honors, but it is something that reminds me to keep striving. I want to remain a viable part of this unfolding history as long as long as I can. When I pass on, I hope to be remembered as someone who was kind, friendly, truthful, and honest.

I began reporting in 1968. I started with Lyndon Johnson and guess I will end with President Trump. A few other reporters started that same fascinating year, but they came months later. However, they made more money and were often more famous. No matter – God has granted me a great ride! I took many side trips along the way, as described in my book. They included trips to the Middle East, Europe, New Bedford, and lots of ski trips around the world. I wrote columns for DC, under the name “The Skiing White House Reporter.” But I always returned to my home base when I could. In addition to my coveted White House credentials, I fought for and was granted credentials for the Congress, the State Department, the Pentagon, the DC police, and others. I had a lot of energy in those days! No wonder I was burned out.

Now that I am old, sick, and dying from Parkinson’s Plus, friends and White House staff members seen to vie for the “honor” of escorting me, making certain I do not trip over the cables, equipment, or their feet and ending up in their laps! There is little that can be done to help me or anyone in the “landlocked” press room – we are all jammed together. Still, we do not want to give up our coveted location. The ornate East Room is a different matter. We have had five news events so far in those beautiful chambers. At the start, some wonderful young members of the new White House staff escort me and a few other disabled reporters up a ramp and to the top of the cement steps. Later, they and the guards let us in earlier than the hordes of newsmen and women behind us. This gives us a few precious moments to find a safe location, before our colleagues come in behind us. Nice, but I would love to be young, strong, and able bodied again!

President Trump’s one hour and fifteen minute news rant on the 16th surprised everyone and left some of his staff squirming and others applauding. Let’s hope he has more surprises!

On the way out, some strong, usually famous friend grabs my arm and escorts me out. Recently, I have been helped out by TV stars Jonathan Karl, John Roberts, and photographers Christy Bowe and Greg Mathieson, among others.

In the briefings or press conferences, more and different people are called on than in the Obama Administration. You have to shout fast and be sharp. I think it is a better system and goes back to the older, more electric days.

We all know shakeups are underway. For the sake of the country and the world, we can only pray for the best!

Connie Lawn at the White House

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