Campaign AdWatch: Dark Shadows

Campaign AdWatch: Dark Shadows

The latest John McCain ad continues his campaign's recent infatuation with shadows, this time adding the floating block capital letters that you see in all the location establishing shots in the new teevee show Fringe. It also continues McCain's frenzied backtracking from his "Enough Is Enough" message on the economic crisis from two days ago. Now, instead of ensuring the American people that he will take an active role in seeking government reform of Wall Street, he's insisting that Capitol Hill casts too great a shadow over the markets, and that's why everything is a massive fail. So, congrats to the McCain campaign, who have managed to make "all of the above including none of the above" hash out their response to the economic crisis.

Other than that, it's all Obama is liberal/painful taxes/government least up until the end, when it adds an exciting, fearmongering twist as the shadows EAT A BABY! You're not going to let Barack Obama send his BABY-EATING SHADOW DEMONS TO EAT THAT BABY, ARE YOU?

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