"Changing gender at the Sweet 15"

"Changing gender at the Sweet 15"
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It has been only a few days ago that passed a new law in Greece giving the right to 15 years old young people to decide about their gender. I would not contradict and not criticize the right to the people for this decision. We are born free with free will so we can choose the path that suits to each one of us. What sounds more bothering and mind disturbing is the age barrier and one would wonder how it could be possible such a young person at this age to take initiative and proceed to a very difficult decision for his further life that sometimes could be regrettable.

Even though, in the most advanced societies, the sweet 15 years old is not a criterion that releases a person’s full character autonomy. Still, at the puberty age where important changes happen to the human body and brain, either for a girl or a boy, till the age of 17, I refuse to admit the Greek law that gives this opportunity to undecided and unstable young minds. It sounds very serious for both parents and teenagers. As this age is distinguished by excitement and “crazy” ideas due to this transition of hormonal changes, it would be a disaster later after such an enthusiastic decision. Of course, I could not exclude examples of human beings born with this kind of deficit and it would be more than understandable for them to get such an opportunity if that makes them feel comfortable.

What it really makes me think is the early age of a young person who would start to think seriously about it. We live in a society that everything that is not normal seems to be normal and trendy changing everything in our daily life. What are these doctrines that lead our modern societies? Does that bring happiness or more misery to the humans by this excess of freedom which turns crazy our brains? Should we wonder if we must be born as we are gifted by God and nature or to change the whole Creation? Is man assessed to evaluate what our Creator gave us? These are questions to think seriously about… sometimes the human intervention happens for good though there are times that is a disaster! Young minds need to be protected for their future and personal comfort. Parents and social factors should interfere with their advisory part. If we keep tolerate everything to the teenagers then, who is going to continue our human role later? What is the world will look like if we are based on decayed foundations? It is on us the responsibility to enlighten young minds with our good example if we still dream about a Brave New World.

Alexandra Symeonidou


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