Chronic Pain Keeping You Down? Relief IS Within Reach!

Chronic Pain Keeping You Down? Relief IS Within Reach!
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Photo Credit:The Vintage Poppy Photography

I used to spend hours (sometimes an entire day) laying on the floor, in too much pain to get up. This happened somewhat regularly. All week I would push myself to continue working, no matter how bad I felt. This helped me to ignore the pain and accomplish the tasks in front of me. The pain always caught up with me eventually.

Sound like anyone you know?

Chronic pain itself may not be visible to the untrained eye, but the effects can’t be missed by anyone who looks. Even with those who are experts at covering up and carrying on, at some point, it begins to show. Perhaps it begins with little mistakes, forgetfulness, or a slightly decreased desire to be social. That may escalate to missed time from work, damaged relationships, or worse.

Somewhere along the way, I realized I couldn’t continue as I had been. I was desperate for relief, and started making changes to improve my health. Over time and effort, the pain improved. I went from a victim thinking I had no control, to a person who did actually have some control. With more time and effort, my level of control increased, and my pain decreased. Sure there are still bad days, but fewer and less severe, and I am more equipped to handle them when they do come along.

The source of chronic pain is not always known, curable, or even effectively treatable. None of that is necessarily required to enjoy life, and it shouldn’t stop you from doing what you can to feel better. Listen to your body. Are you doing too much? Take a break! Do you need a warm bath or a good stretch? Make it happen! No, these little things will not cure every problem. However, over time, everything you do adds up to either reduce or contribute to the pain.

It’s never selfish to take care of yourself or prioritize your health. If others depend on you, that’s even more reason, because you can’t successfully take care of anyone or anything else long-term if you are constantly suffering. That’s a lesson I learned the hard way. Don’t be like me.

Think you don’t have any extra time to spare? I didn’t either. Making time for yourself and your health is never a waste of time. Laying on the floor in pain is a waste of time. Feeling better increases productivity, saving time. What will you do with all the extra time you have when the pain is no longer in control?

Here are some quick tips for pain relief:

  1. When needed, accept help. There is absolutely NO shame in asking for help. Actually, admitting you need help takes courage.
  2. Reduce stress as much as possible. Stress contributes to pain, and pain contributes to stress. It’s extra helpful to work on both at the same time.
  3. Get enough restful sleep. Pain makes it difficult to sleep, and sleep deprivation intensifies pain. Again, it’s extra helpful to work on both at the same time.

Interested in more details on how to accomplish these things?

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