What Kind Of Colorblind Are You?

What Kind Of Colorblind Are You?

In 1917 Dr. Shinobu Ishihara invented the Ishihara Color Perception Test, a way to decipher not just if you are colorblind but what kind of colorblindness you have. Disjointed bundles of polka dots form numbers and lines, only visible if you can differentiate certain similar hues from one another. This simple yet incredibly accurate test is still used today.

Don't believe us? The following images -- sourced from the Ishihara Color Test -- will reveal if you have normal vision, protanopia (red colorblindess), protanomaly (mild red colorblindness), deuteranopia (green colorblindness), deuteranomaly (mild green colorblindness) or are a pathological liar. Let us know your findings in the comments if you so desire. Ready? Go!


If you have normal color vision, you'll see a 42.

Red colorblind people will see a 2.

Green colorblind people will only see a 4.


If you have normal color vision, you see a 73 above.

If you are colorblind you will not see a number above.


If you have normal color vision you'll see a 74 above.

If you are red green colorblind, you'll see a 21.

If you are totally colorblind you will not see a number above.


If you have normal color vision you'll see a 26.

If you are red colorblind you will see a 6, if you're mildly red colorblind you'll see a faint 2 as well.

If you are green colorblind you'll see the a 2, and if you're mildly green colorblind a faint 6 as well.


If you have normal color vision you'll see a 12.

If you do not see 12 you are a liar. Everyone can see this one!

Want an additional challenge? Scroll through the color discs below and try to trace the squiggly line that runs between them. If you can make it to the other side, you have normal color vision. If not, we love you anyway!

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