Come away and rest for a while

Come away and rest for a while
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On the seventh day, God rested.

When he got tired, Jesus took a nap on the back of the boat.

When they were overwhelmed with crowds and the scope of their ministry,

Jesus invited the disciples to come away to a quiet place,

and rest for a while.

Much as we try, we are not Superman or Wonderwoman.

We cannot do everything.

To constantly “go”, to constantly be “on” takes energy from us.

Even Jesus took time apart from the crowds;

time apart even from the disciples-

time to refresh and restore;

time in solitude;

time to commune with God.

We all need times apart- time to fill our cup and renew our spirits.

May we take that needed time – time for solitude and individual practice;

and time for communal refreshment-

with family, and with our spiritual family.

May we emulate the God of rest,

and remember the words of Jesus,

who invited us to come away, and rest for a while.

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