Daily Commute Harder On Women's Mental Health, Study Shows

Daily Commute Hard On Women's Mental Health, Study Shows

Women's mental health takes more of a hit from the daily work commute than men's, a study reported on by WebMD News finds.

Co-author of the study Dr. Jennifer Roberts of the University of Sheffield told the Guardian that traditional roles of women might be to blame:

"We know that women, especially those with children, are more likely to add daily errands to their commute, such as food shopping and dropping off and picking up children from childcare.These time constraints and the reduced flexibility that comes with them make commuting stressful in a way that it wouldn't be otherwise."

The research, which analyzed data from the British Household Panel Survey, also found that women with pre-school age children were four times more likely to be stressed out by their daily commute than men.

The study, titled "It's Driving Her Mad: Gender Differences in the Effects Of Commuting on Psychological Health" was published Monday in the Journal Of Health Economics.

Previous surveys have also shown that women are three times more likely to be overwhelmed by "financial stress" than men, but another study reveals that both genders handle the stress from combat equally as well.


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