Ice Cream 'Cone-ing' Prank In Drive-Thru Windows Now A Thing (VIDEO)

Watch This Guy's 'Cone-ing' Prank

Mark this as the first time ice cream cones have been the center of moral outrage.

Well, we don't know if anyone is up in arms yet. But if "cone-ing" is anything like "planking," it may become the newest trend for kids to express subversion through harmless, yet slightly annoying means for the benefit of the Internet.

Cone-ing, as it appears in videos by its inventor Alki Stevens, usually consists of placing another cone on top of an ice cream cone handed by a fast food employee, and taping it for the Internet. However, he sometimes places a topping on the ice cream, or unexpectedly otherwise subverts the ice-cream-giving process, and then speeds off. Take that, minimum wage employee!

The employee is probably the real winner here anyway, because, free ice cream!


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