Could A Mother Have Written Go The F*ck To Sleep?

Could A Mother Have Written Go The F*ck To Sleep?

When a mother in my Butts, Guts, Tris and Thighs class told me about a mock kids’ book called Go the Fuck to Sleep, I knew right off I would love it. A day later, when she emailed me the PDF, I laughed aloud. In the book, by novelist and dad Adam Mansbach, a father silently rages at his obstinate toddler, desperate for the child to go down so he can watch a DVD with his wife. I loved the irreverence of the sentiment. I thought the trippy LSD-inspired illustrations by Roberto Cortés worked perfectly with the text. I related to the underlying message — that all parents need breaks from their kids. Then I closed the PDF, read a few articles about GTFTS’ #1 Amazon ranking and 300,000-copy print run, and thought, Why didn’t I write that?

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