Counting Down the Best Characters in Orange is the New Black

Counting Down the Best Characters in Orange is the New Black
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Furlough's over: it's time to go back inside. With this weekend's premiere of season three of Orange is the New Black, we're counting down some of the larger-than-life residents of Litchfield Penitentiary. You can weigh in by making your own list of the Top 10 Best Characters in Orange is the New Black now!

Here are the current rankings, according to Culturalist's list makers...#1 might surprise you!

#5.) Galina 'Red' Reznikov
Kate Mulgrew's brilliant performance as the tough-as-nails Russian coming to terms with her waning prison influence heavily shaped the plot of season two. What's in store for her in season three?

#4.) Poussey Washington
Poussey's defiance of Vee's rise to power in season two, coupled with the heartwrenching complexity of her more-than-friendship with Taystee resonated strongly with list makers.

#3.) Alex Vause
Sometimes there's just that person in your life that you know is trouble...amazing, delicious, unavoidable trouble. That's what Alex brings to the table, and what got her on so many of our lists. Where is she on yours?

#2.) Piper Chapman
Perhaps more than any other character, Piper has evolved over the course of the first two seasons...and we can't wait to see where she goes next. She's transformed herself from a woman lost within her own choices to a force to be reckoned with...but even that wasn't enough to get her to the top spot on the list.

Who are your favorites? See the current #1 and join the conversation by making your own list of the Top 10 Best Characters in Orange is the New Black now!

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