COVID-19, Elections And Protests: Views From HuffPost Readers

Our editors picked some of your most thought-provoking comments from last week’s top stories.
In a recent poll, one of HuffPost members’ top-requested features was a round-up of reader comments.
In a recent poll, one of HuffPost members’ top-requested features was a round-up of reader comments.
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Every week, HuffPost editors read your comments on our top stories and highlight those that cut through the noise and make us think, help us see things from a different perspective, start conversations or even change our minds.

For a chance to be featured here, participate in the comments by clicking the gray speech bubble to the left, next to the social share icons, which will open up the comments panel.

Comments have been edited for clarity, spelling, punctuation and length.

“Please don’t take this election for granted. VOTE!!!!!”

— Leslie Smart

“Trump logic: He wins, it’s all on the up and up. He loses, it’s rigged.”

— Max Lord

“Everyone needs to ask themselves in whose hands they would like to put their personal safety?”

— Amanda Anderson

“Eventually everything ends. Trump is just admitting that he has no idea when or how to make it happen sooner.”

— TC

“Civil disobedience. Who has supreme control over your children? The parents. Don’t take them to school. Push for electronic learning at least until there is a vaccine.”

— Alice Oles

“Our scientists don’t yet know the specifics on the ‘get over it’ aspects of this virus. There could well be effects that are not immediately apparent.”

— Phyllis Tallent

“This should be the top story in every newspaper, every site and every TV news show/network. The republic will survive a pandemic, but it will not survive authoritarianism.”

— Mark Lewandoski

“This is how you make America great: by instilling fear in the people. Before, only minorities and the poor were fearful. Now, America is fearful.”

— Niyi Delano

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