"D-onald-Day Invasion"

"D-onald-Day Invasion"
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The folks that know report Trump escaped his steamy soup DC Swamp holding firm support from his disbelievers of facts. The August vacation break has arrived. He has already logged more vacations than any occupant of the White House at this juncture, a mere six months of “service.” Trump retreats yet again to one of his own property holdings, freed from “the dump” and reprieved to leave behind the hard work he has no capacity to master. Here, “The Donald,” can return to his true passion, the sights and sounds of Trump Property cash registers sucking up fool’s gold, social security checks, and slippery cash from shell companies.

At Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, New Jersey, we are told, the President will continue to attend to matters of State. I wonder how many of his Generals will be housed there as well, just to make sure our guy doesn’t “go off a deeper end.” Will someone blow revelry before little donald begins his morning workout on twitter to alert the military that a breach in security is about to go down? Will the Generals and little donald have an evening pillow talk after a vigorous day of golf, smooching with the wealthy clientele, dipping in the pool, and rating ladies in bikinis? This vacation came at just the ripe time. Trump, and his Republican legislative phalanx will have a few weeks to ponder lost opportunities and all the “winning” of the wins they didn’t win.

Some are calling this simply the end of chapter one. “They” still, insanely hold out hope Trump will return refreshed, retooled, with a few more hair plugs to hide his factual slide into baldness and manly weakness and his generals will have time to plug discipline into a dysfunctional administration. He is surrounded by institutionally trained, worldly educated, smart and strong military leaders. I guess this is what weaklings and incompetents do to stop the “losing.” It must feel like “deja-vu” to little donald. Long ago, during his formative stage of early development, when he was a spoiled out-of-control brat rich kid, his dad had to send him off to a military style school to get him to shine his shoes, make his bed, and accept order. Fred knew what was needed. Look how wonderful little donald turned out. Well, he does seem to be a bit anal-retentive about germs, how folks dress, and in particular, impressions.

With the latest acclaimed appointment of General John Kelly as Chief of Staff, I began to feel as though America just witnessed a peaceful, collaborative and much unfortunately desired “coup.” By surrounding the inept, capricious, sniveling, vengeful, petty, mean, and selfishly self-centered civilian President Trump with a cadre of military guys, at the same time North Korea probably can nuke our homeland, might have been required to save us all. It may also have been a shrewd move on the political chess board to slow down “subpoena checkmate.”

Happy August break to all, we deserve a rest, Trump has worked hard to exhaust all of us. It didn’t have to be this way. America could have elected the other candidate, surely there would have been fewer scandals, less need for Generals monitoring the President’s bathroom behavior, and a President that could, would and master the reading material required of the job.

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