David Gregory Finally Goes After a Democrat

David Gregory appears to have had an epiphany of sorts. Otherwise, what could account for his aggressive interview of perpetual Obama apologist and DNC Chair, Debbie Wasserman Schultz?
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Shortly after the death of Tim Russert, the coronation of David Gregory as his replacement on Meet the Press began. This was a key slot for the DNC and Liberals to fill quickly, because there was their President to elect, Obama.

Just as Russert had been before him, Gregory was viciously and voraciously hostile toward Bush, Conservatives and the GOP Presidential candidates in particular but just to be fair, with anyone who had the temerity to disagree with the Liberal cabal.

Joe Lieberman and Juan Williams were just two men who strongly disagreed with Conservatives but have been marched off the gangplank at swordpoint by the American Left for not being nasty enough.

And the Liberal Media, a Liberal-riven Congress, NBC and the DNC all needed very badly to keep the pressure on and brutal rhetoric open full-throttle on Bush and Conservatives in order to get Obama elected.

So it was that David Gregory took over Russert's seat (which many thought him unqualified to occupy, including this writer) at a crucial time for the Democratic Party.

But Gregory proved all his detractors wrong -- he's kept Obama's public relations image burnished with his glowing but vacant reports to prop up Obama and then his continued ignorance of virtually any issue which could hurt this President.

Until this past Sunday on Meet the Press, that is.

You see, Gregory appears to have had an epiphany of sorts. Otherwise, what could account for his aggressive interview of perpetual Obama apologist and DNC Chair, Debbie Wasserman Schultz?

As Gregory hurled question after tough question at this new breed of Dem mouthpiece, Schulz replied like a deer caught in headlights with talking point after tired, old talking point. As Gregory with sudden found bravery, pressed the DNC spokesperson hard to get her to admit blaming Bush was futile and that Obama needed to take some responsibility, any responsibility for America's current condition, Ms. Schultz wasn't having any of it. And she looked a fool for it.

Who is this woman, Schultz kidding? She needs to be replaced immediately because she is doing irreparable damage to the DNC's reputation. And, I say this as someone who loathes what the DNC stands for; can't they find a better leader?

I never thought I'd be saying this: Kudos to David Gregory. Congrats to him for having the core and strength of character to ask tough questions of the party leader whose party has made everything they've touched over the last three years, worse. If more media talking heads would show a little courage in standing up to their own party, America would be much better off.

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