Adorably Clueless Dog Is Super Happy About Finding A Huge Dildo

“I was gobsmacked."

You never know what your dog’s going to find.

In this case, a chocolate labrador named Galaxy discovered a giant dildo while out for a stroll in England with dog walkers Amy Brown and Natalie Ferguson.

NOTE: Video above is slightly NSFW, depending on your employer’s acceptance of dildos.

I was gobsmacked,” Ferguson told Metro. “Galaxy obviously didn’t have a clue and was just strutting round like it was the most normal thing in the world.”

Ferguson told the newspaper that the dog clung to the dildo for 30 minutes. While the dog walkers would normally toss the things the pups pick up while on their walks, they decided to bring this item home to Galaxy’s owner, Ami Harrison.

Harrison said the doggie dong was recycled: It’s now a trophy at her husband’s golf tournament.

(h/t Mashable)

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