Doing it Doggie Style, Costumes That Is

Doing it Doggie Style, Costumes That Is
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Gina Keatley

I know Halloween can be a scary time for folks struggling with wellness—from diabetics to dieters and everyone in-between. But let’s put on our superhero masks on and be brave about the opportunity to celebrate fall with balance. Halloween is one of my favorite holidays and not just because of the foods but also because of the other enjoyment the season can bring. Halloween is a big event in my house, with even my dog getting in on the action. She has been everything from a Queen Bee to Mr. Robot and this year’s costume is out of this world. She will be dressed as the cutest little ancient alien. I bring this up because you can learn a lot from a dog in a costume. She doesn’t care or get anxious about upcoming events she just lives in the moment. She appreciates the random stranger pets, treats and attention. But when the day is over she doesn’t lay in bed beating herself up about how many treats she had she gives herself a good shake and moves on. Being prepared can help relive your worries and get you feeling boo-tiful. So, below are three ways to get you through all-hollows-eve without going batty: Freeze it. Many of my patients have trouble with impulse control around food. A super easy trick is to pop your goodies in the freezer. First, we avoid the bag of candy being in eye shot every time we enter the kitchen and second, we have to wait just a bit to get the treat back to room temperature before gobbling it up. I know it seems like a very small difference but building small obstacles can delay you or even stop your constant grazing. Small steps can help you become mindful when you eat. Being aware of the choices you make helps you claim ownership and create personal food responsibility. This can help keep the pounds off. Go Fancy. Instead of just ripping into countless mini-chocolate bars though out the day go for the big score at night. Make dessert after dinner your chocolate time. Keep your bars but add some cheese and maybe even some grapes. Setting a time for sweets can create positive wellness boundaries and when our cheese, fruit and sweet tray is gone we know we are done. Be Temping. Pick a sexy costume, well most of you have down pat already, I’m looking at you sexy Harry Potter in your 40’s. But choosing a costume that makes you feel attractive may play a positive role is giving you a goal for the big day. Dressing as a peep or dice gives you very little motivation to walk past that bright orange over-filled treat bowl at work. However you choose to celebrate this year try embracing being scared. It can be thrilling if you learn to accept the high and lows and remember it’s not the end of the world....or is it!! Happy Halloween.

Be Fearless, Be Full.

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