Don't Judge Us-The Curse of Anxiety

Don't Judge Us-The Curse of Anxiety
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People who are “empaths” (AKA Highly Sensitive People) often struggle with anxiety and are often seen as people pleasers. They may create co-dependent relationships as they take responsibility for other's feelings and well-being. Their brains are overactive and therefore look different in the frontal cortex and the limbic system (especially the amygdala). Dopamine and serotonin levels can actually be low or high in medical studies. Besides chemical imbalances, hormones such as those during pregnancy or menopause can add to the mix causing neurotransmitters to fire differently than normal, think of it as literally nerves within the brain having the volume turned on higher...full blast during a panic attack. These biological reasons combined with environmental factors in their lives mean that as a matter of survival they may seem to appease others as a way to feel better. People being upset or angry with them, or in general, feels different than those who are not as sensitive to other's feelings or emotions. Negative energy is felt throughout their whole being. Don’t think all of this is by choice.

Never judge those with anxiety. If a situation arises and they do not seem to handle it as smooth as you do, remember you cannot take a peek in their brain to see it lit up on fire. Their body goes into fight-or-flight and they feel no sense of control of their own mind or body. Adrenaline floods them and they feel like they are drowning within. They may use coping mechanisms that you would not choose but if you have never felt betrayed by your own mind or body, you can't make assumptions in how you would react. They already feel crazy and alone, so others making them feel like they are not normal adds a new layer of pain.

This can send them into an undiagnosed depressions as they feel life put a black cloud above them despite all their heroic attempts and positive intentions. They often see no way out of things even when you see the light at the end of their tunnel.They are looking to numb/escape for inner power/sense of control. Let's all be mindful of how we feel the need to have an opinion of others. "Just stop it, get over it, let it go" easy for some. For others, the hurt or wound hit something within, deep in their core. They are not weak. They are warriors of life.

They need love. They need compassion and for you get out of your head and into your heart. Hold space for them by seeing them happy and healthy but also allow them to be however they are. "Holding space" is much kinder than trying to fix them or make them have to feel better right away when they don't. Accept them. To all who suffer, I wish you healing and inner peace. I speak from experience and major inner work that I practice daily. I'm flawed and imperfect but I'm happier with myself every day and as authentic as I can be. Self-love wasn't a luxury or for "selfie" fun, but a necessity for my own mental health and so I could be a present mother.

Living my truth and walking through the fire many times means I know a strength I'm immensely proud of, knowing how hard it has been to just exist at times when I felt broken and not good enough in any way. Trust me when I say, it truly can get better. You are not what is going on right now. And if you need to take meds, or seek help, never feel any shame. You are doing your best. You are not amazing in spite of this, but because of this. I send you love.

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