
I met a homeless man once//who drew my picture in pencil on a subway// street people I have encountered//strangely have been the most peaceful people to me// this man who drew me// it was beautiful.
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Self-portrait, copyright Logan Nakyanzi Pollard

I met a homeless man once
who drew my picture in pencil on a subway
street people I have encountered
strangely have been the most peaceful people
to me
this man who drew me
it was beautiful
and yet weirdly
I got up and walked away
How could that be me?
I was lost then.

So one day I said Self
Draw a picture of yo-self.

[If u ask a child s/he will not say
Oh I can't draw!
They just do.

Or, are.
I'm a fireman!
a butterfly!
and a doctor!]

Remember your own
Even if it's a dream
That was lost
Or taken
Find it again.

The world can lie
when silly and fearful and jealous
But --
you are brave
and wise and generous.

We are what we make ourselves
And true vision is seeing the light
And the unseen.

I have scars
the time I tried parcours -- running
scraping swing-set bike surgery
the battle and other things
I wear them like ransom
but now I see beyond this
I see what overcame
why I lived
what I learned
what never, never gives in
I see what is peaceful
I see what the artist saw
finally --
and I know.

B. told me long ago they fade with time
she was so right.
Such a profound statement from my friend, who had no faith
but I know she had it --
once, I've found it like a jewel.
now I can finally see for both of us
for many of us
not always looking outward
But inside.
Look inside.
And draw.

--Originally published at findcreatejoy.com © Logan Nakyanzi Pollard. All rights reserved.

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