Edgar Allan Poe Birthday: 6 Horrible Edgar Allan Poe Film Adaptations (VIDEO)

6 Horrible Edgar Allan Poe Film Adaptations (VIDEO)

Today is Edgar Allan Poe's birthday.

Little did he know (Poe only became famous and well-known posthumously) that he would go on to influence filmmakers and songwriters alike with his short stories and poetry.

And there are some really great adaptations of his work. In the 1960s, Vincent Price starred in quite a few of the master poet's pieces, most notably The House of Usher and The Masque of the Red Death.

But there are also some really horrible ones. So, to honor the great writer on his birthday, we've put together a collection of film adaptations that would have Poe rolling over in his grave.


The Mask of the Red Death (2013)

6 Horrible Poe Adaptations

CLARIFICATION: This piece formerly stated: "Vincent Price adapted quite a few of the master poet's pieces." We have changed "adapted" to "starred in" to clarify that he did not write or direct the adaptations.

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