Election Aftermath: Why We Need To Choose Positivity

November 9th, 2016 was post-apocalyptic in a way. Comfortless clouds floated in the stunned air as I made my morning commute through New York City.
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November 9th, 2016 was post-apocalyptic in a way.

Comfortless clouds floated in the stunned air as I made my morning commute through New York City. The rain, of course, was a banal ingredient, but something else seemed to strain through commuters deeper than the cold drops of water: the night before.

I centered my mind on the positivity around me. I was able to focus on sights like a person helping a stranger who had dropped their bag on the sidewalk (they didn't seem to know or care who the other voted for), and a couple gleefully holding hands as they strolled Union Square in a spume of love. Unfortunately my focus was broken as soon as I checked my Facebook feed. It appeared that almost immediately after the initial shock wore off, anger bubbled up inside a lot of people like hot lava. As of now, that still seems to be the case, with a division so deep it's as if Pro-Tumpers and Anti-Tumpers are different species. In an effort to spread love, at the very least, I would like to share with you the status I posted on Facebook, because my words are all I have:

I've been biting my tongue (or should I say thumbs?) immensely, but it's (they're) about to fall off, so, before I take a break from Facebook (it's you Facebook, not me) I want to say:

I understand this wild election has ignited a lot of passion in everyone (myself included), but I think we all need to stop for some self-care (maybe have a nice nap or catch up on Netflix) and then, when we're relaxed, come back ready listen to each other. I've seen too many friends ripping each other apart on Facebook like barbarians and it's ENOUGH. There is simply no room for hate, especially now. No matter what you believe or support, please try to come into conversations (or social media posts) from a place of love and with an open mind. At the end of the day we (not just as Americans, but as human beings) have to unite and work together because destruction is built on angry people unwilling to listen. We all have a voice that should be heard, and ears that should listen to others. You need the voice AND the ears in order to be heard. I promise, having a calm conversation gets you much further than yelling at someone. And if someone's yelling at you, instead of shouting back try being the bigger person and removing yourself from the situation. I bet you can find a more constructive way to use that time - like discovering how you can actually contribute to the change you seek in this world. So, now that I've written out the basics of human decency (mostly for my own sanity), I'm done. I wish everyone happiness.

If you are reading this, thank you. I urge you to choose love because from there things can only get brighter. I promise you that.

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