Everything And Everyone Has Made America Great [VIDEO]

Everything And Everyone Has Made America Great [VIDEO]

When the Washington Press Club Foundation approached the people of HuffPost Hill to provide video entertainment for its 68th Annual Congressional Dinner, the only thing we wanted to know was if we'd be sharing the bill with the Second Amendments -- Congress' own house band, featuring the axe-slinging skills of one-time Presidential contender Rep. Thaddeus McCotter (R-Mich.). Once we'd confirmed that we would be, we were in, because if there's one thing that makes America great, it's rock music performed unironically by earnest lawmakers.

And that got us thinking. You see, there's not just one thing that makes America great, there's lots of things. All kinds of things. Like the land and the mountains. And bubblegum. And edible erotic playthings. Different things have made America great at different times. Contradictory things have sometimes simultaneously made America great. Sometimes, specific people make America great. At other times, vague people make America great. And then there are lasers. They are so great, the way they make America great.

So with the help of HuffPost's Ben Craw, we assembled the Greatest Montage Of What Makes America Great In the History Of America. By doing so, have we not actually created the Greatest Thing In America? Sure, why not?

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