Victim of Viral YouTube Video has Message for Racist Stripper in Explosive Interview

Victim of Viral YouTube Video has Message for Racist Stripper in Explosive Interview
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Narvell Benning posted a video on YouTube on June 4, 2014 called Blatant Racism in Cheektowaga NY. In the video you watch and hear Janelle Ambrosia unleash a racist verbal assault upon the videographer and victim, Narvell Benning. In just seven days, the video went viral and amassed over 9 million hits.

Ambrosia, a stripper and mother of two, unleashes a fury of racist and hate-filled rantings toward Benning, in the presence of her children. She called Benning a "nasty fucking nigger." She threatened him with bodily harm, and yet Benning remained calm while verbally engaging Ambrosia. In addition to her repeated use of the n-word, she declared her disdain for Black people. She bragged of stripping for police officers suggesting that Benning's reliance on the local authorities would prove futile. She also screamed that her husband, who also "don't like Black people either," would kill him.

During a 30 minute, in-depth interview with me for Etc. Etc. Etc. (a talk show on interactive, social video platform Spreecast), Benning gives a detailed account of what happened before the recording began; what was being said by her children during the altercation; and what he experienced after the recording ended. He discussed his fear, shock and anger experienced during the 5 minute altercation with Ambrosia. Benning also responds to Ambrosia's recent claims that he called her racist names and that her outlandish actions were in response to Benning turning on his car and almost hitting her children.

For the first time since the now world famous altercation, Benning sends a direct message to Janelle Ambrosia. Watch my explosive interview of Narvell Benning and listen for his passionate message to Janelle Ambrosia:


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