Expansion And Contraction

Expansion And Contraction
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Two hours ago I left everything behind and drove to the yoga studio. I gave myself the time to practice. I came into my body and breath as best I could for a whole class.

As a mom this was a treat. And I’m home now with plans to be in my painting studio soon. I’m turning to the ways I go inward.

For the past year I’ve been building Mindful Parenting. It’s been this amazing expansive, creative, goal-oriented stretch of time.

And somehow it surprised me that I need to pause at the finish line!

After expansion comes contraction.

Creating the course was in some ways like creating a life. So I’m writing to remind me, and to remind you that birth requires some recovery time.

Our culture tells us to push ever forward. Our ego echoes that message, giving us subtle (or not so subtle!) feelings of guilt if we’re not working.

For me, I’ve stepped boldly out into this field of capital-P “Parenting.” Yikes! I’m not totally sure this is the space for me even though I know I have important things to share.

I’ve expanded, so now I contract.


In my yoga class this morning, the teacher encouraged us to “surrender” in our pigeon pose. Surrender is, in fact, an important mindset in yoga. It’s not about passivity, but acceptance.

Can we surrender to/accept what is real right now?

Can we accept the work we are called to do?

Can we accept our children as they are, with all of their human imperfections?

Can we accept our own imperfections?

The funny thing about acceptance is, that as soon as we do it, the way becomes smoother and possibilities open.

When I accepted my temper, I was able to work with it and it’s calmed enormously.

Both expansion and contraction can be unsettling. The weather has changed and it changes us with it. We can’t stand in the rain and pretend it’s sunny. Surrender to what is here and now – accept it. Once you have, you can move on without the mental angst.

I hope my writing has helped you, my friend.

How do you deal with your cycles of expansion and contraction?

Start the conversation in the comments below!

With warmth & lovingkindness,

Hunter Clarke-Fields

Bio: Hunter Clarke-Fields, MSAE, RYT, is a mindfulness mama mentor. She coaches over-stressed moms on how to cultivate mindfulness in their daily lives. Hunter is a certified Parent Effectiveness Training teacher and has over 20 years of experience in yoga & mindfulness practices. She has taught thousands worldwide. Hunter is the creator of the Mindful Parenting course. Click here to learn more and get free resources.

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