Finding Your Calm In The Storm Of These Changing Times

Finding Your Calm In The Storm Of These Changing Times
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Boy these energies are something, eh? I do not know one person in my life who has not felt some significant shift in their life over the last few months. I just laughed because for some reason the word shift was missing the "f" the first time I typed and THAT is right on as well!

So where are you in this journey right now?

Have you felt like you have been spinning in circles?

Have you had some amazing days and then some where you felt you truly did not know how you were going to make it through?

Have you cleared some stuff out, come to terms with some patterns, behaviors and relationships and made some necessary changes?

Have you totally revamped your life and said, "Screw this, everything must change"?

Wherever you are in this journey is perfect and I want you to first take a deep breath and congratulate yourself on making it this far. That is a feat in itself these days. Next I would like to offer you three things to look at to assess your ever-changing life and also offer some suggestions to get you through this challenging time.

First, this is the time of truth -- own your stuff. Now when I say this to some clients, I may meet a hell of a lot of resistance. People become very comfortable in their own discomfort and it becomes much easier to blame other people and situations for why their lives are not going as they want them to.

We are all responsible for our lives as they are now. All the beautiful things as well as the ones that maybe don't look or feel so great.

If you have been lying to yourself or others about a behavior or pattern in your life, the messages and repercussions from those lies have likely gotten very "in your face" these days. What if it was there to tell you that this is the moment you have been waiting for? Freedom from your pain, angst or patterns and behavior is yours if you claim it, but you need to take that first step -- owning it.

Action: Tell yourself that whatever you are facing is okay. It can be an addiction, such as drugs (even with legal prescriptions), alcohol, shopping, TV binging, computer and social network time to excess, gambling, eating and oh so many more. It could be that you have attracted very unhealthy relationships to you. Whatever it is, this is the result of the past and there are reasons you attracted this to you. You can end the pain and suffering NOW.

If you need help, professional help -- reach out to someone or a program that resonates with you. There is help for every possible affliction, pattern, life situation and challenge. I know I see huge results in my month-long program when I work with people and there are so many other people and programs out there waiting to help you. If money is an issue, reach out to a friend as a support or look for volunteer programs nearby. There is always someone to help. Know you are NOT alone. Love yourself enough to know you are worthy of this healthy change!

Second, express more gratitude. Yes, I may say this one often but this is two-fold these days and has never been more important. We can look around us and truly feel life is spinning out of control which adds to that energy of the chaos. We can also choose to look at our lives and pick what we are grateful for in our world and in ourselves. Doing this creates a calming effect that we can all use right now. Know you are worthy of this and it is essential in these times to do this daily.

Action: Give gratitude each and every day (preferably when you awaken) but it can also be in the shower, on the way to work or even at the end of the day. Whenever you have a few minutes of being uninterrupted.

I want you to choose one person and one thing you are grateful for in your life. It could be your comfy bed, your favorite jeans, the fact that you have food -- whatever it is that makes you smile and brings you comfort. When you think of the person I want you to close your eyes and really think of them, the way you feel when you are with them, aspects of their personality that you enjoy, ways they have shown that they appreciate you, etc. Anything that gets you feeling warm and fuzzy.

Lastly but certainly not least is YOU. Please stop and show yourself gratitude. It can be for an aspect of yourself. It can be that you are helping a friend or family member through what they are going through. Maybe you are taking a class or going for walks, doing something for yourself to ensure your smile. It could simply be that you got out of bed even if you didn't feel like it determined that today would be a better day than yesterday. We all need that validation and by telling yourself there are good things in your life, you are telling the Universe, "Yes! Thank you! More goodness please." If you feel up to it, send someone a letter, email or even a text telling them how much you appreciate them. Everyone can use a little extra love and kindness!Thirdly, have something to look forward to. Many clients are coming to me now feeling very worn down. They have been faced with their own "stuff" and many of their loved ones have also been facing very challenging times. It can be overwhelming when not only you are struggling but you are feeling the angst of the people close to you.

Action: Plan something that you will look forward to. This can be a weekend out with friends or even one night, a picnic, a concert, taking a class you always wanted to take... something. Make a plan and write in on the calendar and look forward to the excitement this occasion will bring. You need to assure yourself that good is always available.

Think of something that makes you smile and block it on your calendar. It does not have to be something that is days long -- although those that are overwhelmed probably could use a few days to unwind!

If you have trouble thinking of something, get quiet, put your hand on your heart and ask yourself, "What is something I can invite into my life or make plans for in the next few weeks that would get me excited?" Meet up with a friend for a day trip somewhere, take that yoga class you have been putting off, look into learning something online you have dreamed about. There are always things we can invite into our lives that will get us feeling enthusiastic -- that is the kind of energy you want to be putting out there.

Yes, life is changing rapidly. You can feel disempowered during this time of change or more inspired than you have ever felt in your life. That really is up to you and what actions and thoughts you are choosing in this moment.These tips can help you set your energy up to create conscious change that will move you forward and usher you into a happier reality. That is a much healthier choice than letting the emotions of the world make you feel overwhelmed and helpless.

We can all help with these changing times and it truly begins with you. I wish you all the best for this journey. My book also offers many quick tools for lasting change. Please feel free to download my free meditation and sign up for my newsletter and free consultation. It would be my honor to be of service to you on your journey. Sending many blessings.


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