Florida and the "Upset" Card

If any card in the tarot deck would predict an upset, it would be the Tower card, and it came up in both Gingrich's and Romney's tarot card readings about the Florida primary.
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Heading into Florida, all polls point to a Romney win, but could Gingrich pull off an upset? If any card in the tarot deck would predict an upset, it would be the Tower card, and it came up in both Gingrich's and Romney's tarot card readings about the Florida primary. However, placement of the cards is key, and the Tower's placement reveals its differing meanings for the two candidates.

The fact that the Tower shows up in both candidates' readings suggests that both of them see Florida as the make or break primary. But, in Romney's reading, the Tower represents what he most wants to avoid (an upset of his current lead), whereas in Gingrich's reading, Newt is the Tower, and he is putting everything he's got into trying to pull off an upset.

In the reading above, Romney is represented by the Knight of Swords, a card that illustrates Romney's ability to get aggressive when he needs to. The Two of Wands, with the Page of Pentacles "crossing" it, speaks to concern about Romney's ability to "close the deal". Although Romney is ahead in Florida, the Five of Cups in the Foundation position suggests how deep the concern is about what a potential loss would mean for his candidacy. The Magician in the Past position indicates that his South Carolina loss ended his "inevitable" status, but the Ten of Cups and Nine of Cups suggest he's confident the party will coalesce around him. He's feeling lucky. The Wheel of Fortune represents the ups and downs of this campaign season, but, the Ace of Wands in the Outcome position predicts a win for Romney -- this card says he will leave Florida with more energy, enthusiasm, and confidence than he came with.


But, if Florida is important for Romney, the number of Major Arcana cards in Gingrich's reading says that the Florida primary is even more important for him. This is the primary that will determine, at least in people's minds, whether he is really a contender for the nomination. The Hermit and the Seven of Cups suggest that Gingrich is afraid that losing Florida could cause him to fade into oblivion, but the Star in the Future position says he will find a way to stay in the limelight. The King of Pentacles in the Foundation position indicates how focused on fundraising Newt is. The Seven of Swords next to the High Priestess, who represents all things hidden, points to highly secretive plotting and strategy sessions. Although Newt will lose in Florida, the Judgement card in the Outcome position says don't count him out. Look for Newt to rise from the ashes once again, as he has so many times before.

Key to the Cards:

Mitt Romney
Subject - King of Swords
Environment - Two of Wands
Obstacle - Page of Pentacles
Ideal - The Tower
Foundation - Five of Cups
Past - Magician
Future - Ten of Cups
Attitude - Nine of Cups
Influences - Queen of Cups
Hopes/Fears - Wheel of Fortune
Outcome - Ace of Wands

Newt Gingrich
Subject - The Tower
Environment - Three of Wands
Obstacle - Eight of Cups
Ideal - The Hermit
Foundation - King of Pentacles
Past - Nine of Pentacles
Future - The Star
Attitude - Seven of Swords
Influences - High Priestess
Hopes/Fears - King of Wands
Outcome - Judgement

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