Fortune Magazine's Best Places To Retire

Where Are The Best Places To Retire In 2012?

Huff/Post50 readers are always looking for interesting places to retire. And judging by the comments section, they also have fairly strong views on what makes a good retirement locale. In recent months, we've run stories on the best college towns for retirees, the cheapest places to retire overseas, the five best cities for older singles and a handful of quirky places to spend your golden years.

This week Fortune released a list of the 20 "best places to retire now," bearing in mind the adventurous spirit and desire to remain active of today's retirees. The magazine also included educational opportunities and a strong job market in its criteria. Here's a look at five that cracked their list -- you can visit Fortune's website for the rest. Let us know what your top three picks would be for best places to retire in the comments!

Before You Go

Sunny Climes: Santa Fe, New Mexico

Fortune Magazine's "Best Places To Retire Now"

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