From Methodologies to Medications: How ConductScience is Improving Science

From Methodologies to Medications: How ConductScience is Improving Science
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When is the last time you took or administered medication? If you’re like most Americans, it was probably quite recent - it’s likely that you’ve done so today. Many of us don’t consider exactly how these medications become available to us. Instead, we take them as directed and don’t give it a second thought.

But behind the scenes, there are thousands of scientists hard at work, creating and replicating complex methodologies and experiments that end with new, effective medications and treatment options that can save lives and increase a patient’s quality of life.

Right now, scientists have few cost-effective options to get equipment for critical experiments. I spoke to the founders of ConductScience, a company that dramatically cuts experimentation costs by skipping the middleman and going direct. They informed me that the company specializes in manufacturing essential replication and scientific equipment. Because it enables scientists to skip the middleman and get the items they need directly and for a lower cost, it’s been called the Warby Parker of science.

The company offers specialized equipment created by scientists, for scientists. The equipment offered is widely varied, from stereotaxic surgical systems and upgrades to metabolic cages. The equipment and accessories offered through ConductScience are essential in professional scientific experimentation and testing that results in new and updated surgical technologies, pharmaceutical breakthroughs, new anatomical knowledge, and more.

In fact, scientific experimentation using equipment like ConductScience offers has “contributed to major advances in understanding and treating conditions such as breast cancer, brain injury, childhood leukemia, cystic fibrosis, malaria, multiple sclerosis, tuberculosis, and many others, and was instrumental in the development of pacemakers, cardiac valve substitutes, and anesthetics” (U.S. National Institutes of Health, 2013).

We may not always think about the applications and uses of scientific experimentation, but its effects are always present in our daily lives. Next time you take or administer medication, think about the experimentation, money, and hours of research it required along the way and take a moment to marvel at the ingenuity of mankind. A big thank you to ConductScience for participating in this interview!

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