Geraldo Rivera: Right Wing Talk Radio Has 'Helped Cripple' GOP (VIDEO)

Geraldo: Talk Radio Ruining GOP

In an interview with HuffPost Live Monday, Fox News host Geraldo Rivera echoed Republican strategist Frank Luntz's controversial leaked comments about talk radio hosts' influence on the Republican Party, telling host Abby Huntsman that right wing talk radio has significantly hurt the GOP.

"I think that right wing talk radio has had enough influence on the management of the GOP that they have helped cripple the GOP," Rivera told Huntsman. "Whoever drafted the party platform for the convention just passed for MItt Romney, they defeated Romney right out of the gate."

Rivera specifically cited Republican party positions on immigration, gay marriage and abortion, calling them "crazy," and implied that talk radio hosts have helped drive the party to the right in the pursuit of ratings.

"Those are crazy positions to have in this day and age if you want a candidate who's going to be successful," he said, "but they're great positions if you want to [engage in] rabble-rousing and get plenty of calls."

Rivera also addressed his own potential run for office, saying that he is still debating a run for Senate from New Jersey and praising New Jersey Governor Chris Christie.

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