Geraldo Won't Shake "Shameful" "Hate-Monger" Lou Dobbs' Hand

Geraldo Won't Shake "Shameful" "Hate-Monger" Lou Dobbs' Hand

Geraldo Rivera appeared on "The View" today to promote his new book, His Panic, which prompted a discussion of how Americans fear immigrants. He explained that this fear is "a nativist reaction that started at the grassroots" and that it is "driven by the most savage talk radio campaign in history." When asked to name names, Geraldo targeted Rush Limbaugh and Lou Dobbs (who, incidentally, makes his debut as a talk radio host today).

"Lou Dobbs of CNN has been shameful in his hate-mongering," Geraldo said. "I would not shake his hand because this is a man that's done more damage to the cause of sensibile, comprehensive reform than anyone with a microphone."


Geraldo appeared on "The View" today to discuss his new book, His Panic, and discussed the savage mentality coming out of talk radio. When asked to name names, Geraldo targeted Lou Dobbs (whose radio show starts today) and Rush Limbaugh.

From ABC, 3/3

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