Gift Guide 2012: 5 Presents This Post 50 Really, Really Wants

5 Gifts This Post 50 Really Wants

Can we just call a spade a spade here? 2012 may go down as the year mid-lifers took it on the chin, and I'm not talking Botox here. Between Sandy's knee-capping of those who live in the Northeast; dealing with extended unemployment saddled firmly on our generation's back; and having spent the better part of the election season worrying about whether Medicare would be around when we needed it, don't we all feel just a little wilted as we close out the year?

While I personally would rather sit out the holidays in a foxhole (preferably one in Hawaii) then face the shopping madness, this holiday season presents a unique opportunity for those who love me to show me they know what matters to me. Here's what I hope my gift-givers will bear in mind:

Before You Go

1. I Need Nothing But Others Can't Say The Same

5 Gifts I Really Want This Holiday Season


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