Glenn Beck To Egypt Critics: 'Go To Hell' (VIDEO)

Beck To Critics: 'Go To Hell'

Glenn Beck delivered a message to his critics on his Thursday television show: "go to hell."

Beck's comments came in the middle of a nearly 19-minute monologue where he continued his theory that the protests in Egypt are being orchestrated by an alliance of Communists and Islamic fundamentalists who seek to overthrow capitalism and make a "new world order."

He had claimed that a New York Times article had validated his theory because it spoke to young people from a wide vareity of political backgrounds who said they had joined forces to try to bring down the Mubarak regime. To Beck, this was evidence that the situation he foresaw was coming true. He then blasted President Obama for praising the protesters in his speech in Michigan on Wednesday, and tried to connect Obama to the Communists and fundamentalists he has been warning about by saying that both used "change" as a slogan.

About fourteen minutes into this monologue, Beck repeated his belief that "we are witnessing the birth of the new world order." He then said, "and you want to call me crazy? Go to hell. Call me crazy all you want." While he said this, he appeared to make the hand gesture that got Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia in trouble in 2006.

(Watch (jump to 4:17 for 'go to hell' comments)

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