Habit #4: Listening for "What Wants to Happen"

Habit #4: Listening for "What Wants to Happen"
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Another way of making a decision is not to. Listening for what wants to happen is to follow the intelligence of the intersubjective space, the morphogenetic Field. One of my strategies for navigating how to bring a certain lesson into the territory of learning is to sense "what wants to happen" in a group.

For me, this is another bridge between theory and practice. If it's true that what-wants-to-happen is that the class wants to gobble that lesson up, then that's what we do.

Alternately, if it were true that there's resistance to my lesson plan, some drag; a sense that the room is bogged down or something just simply isn't clear, then that would be where I slow down and pay attention. I allow myself to become rigorously curious about the people I'm teaching - regardless of their age.

Listening for the intelligence in the collective field is something we all learned in the context of our families. Before you asked your mom for ice cream, you checked her mood, and determined if your agenda was likely to play out in your favor, right? The practice of listening to your students, as a system, is the same thing: check the mood, and decide whether to tack your sails and make a different request, or stay the course.

When there's no resistance to my teaching, it's easy--there is a sense of ease and obviousness about "what wants to happen". This approach is about holding an intention clearly and lightly, staying very attentive to the subtle, emotional and energetic signals in a group field, and becoming willing to craft a highly customized response for your class or audience.
If you're lucky, you might even find the sense of flow that arises when you're aligned with the 'wind,' and just sail right on through the class, lighting the topic up with your inspired approach.

The point is: See what happens when you allow your instincts and intuitive self to take the lead for a while. Is it really true that we need to 'drive' the process? Can we also ride the process?

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