Help This Onion Half Get More Twitter Followers Than Donald Trump

It has a thicker skin and probably more layers than the president.

A piece of produce in a bag might hit President Donald Trump right where it hurts the most ― by upstaging him on Twitter.

A new Twitter account, called @HalfOnionInABag, features a photo of a yellow onion half in a plastic bag (no alternative facts there).

The goal is simple: “Just here to get more followers than @realDonaldTrump.”

Getting more followers than Trump will be a daunting task. He has 21.8 million, while @HalfOnionInABag has only gathered about 216,000 since Jan. 20.

However, Mashable points out that if the half onion can continue attracting followers at its current rate, it could tie Trump by April 18, 2018.

Besides attempting to beat Trump on his favorite social media platform, @HalfOnionInABag is gleefully trolling the notoriously thin-skinned leader of the free world.

Some Twitter users are offering up their own cheesy puns to show support.

The unidentified human behind the Twitter account is letting the onion do the talking for now, but did tell the goal is to add a new flavor to the current political climate.

“I wanted to make some noise and make some people laugh in the process, because I think we’re gonna all need a good dose of humor to get through this,” the creator said.

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