Hearing the Voice of God

Hearing the Voice of God
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Things seem to be getting worse and worse and governments appear clueless in knowing how to handle the challenges which confront them on a daily basis now. Some who were held as the ones who had the answers to the complexities of life are being proven repeatedly not to have them. What in the world is going wrong? It seems like the logical answer to this is, "Everything."
At such a crucial time in history, when Nation is rising against Nation and Kingdom against Kingdom, and globally we are certain to be at a crossroad, how do we cope with the sweeping changes which are happening and so speedily that it is indeed alarming? For the amount of evil and crime being perpetuated all over the world, many are losing their sense of peace, hope and soundness.

Fear is gripping society in a serious manner. Things are not the same. Of this, there is no room for doubt. But one thing remains constant in the midst of it all. And that is, that God is still the same and He will never change.

What separates Him from all of the other things people call their deity? The fact that God, unlike the idols people worship, is a God Who Speaks, Hears and Sees. He has Eyes and His Eyes are upon His people. His Ears are open and attentive to our prayers. And He can speak peace to our souls regardless of the seeming troubles which surround us daily.

Does our God still speak today? Of course He does. Does not the Scriptures teach that He is the Same yesterday, today and forever. Hear Him as He declares, "I am the Lord, I change not." (Malachi 3:6) Because God is the same, and He does not change, we can and should expect Him to speak to His people now, even as He did then.

After all, He has promised to lead and to guide His people. He has said that He would never leave us, nor forsake us. He has boldly declared that He is our very present help whenever we need Him. And He will minister His peace to our hearts and give us tranquility within, regardless of what is going on without.

But the question may come, "How does God speak? And how can I recognize His Voice above all of the other voices clamoring for my attention? The answer simply is that God speaks as He has always spoken. So if we desire to hear how we speaks today, all we need to do is to go into His Word and see how He spoke to His people.

He spoke by a still small Voice. He spoke through the conscience of man. He spoke through visions and dreams. He spoke through His servants the prophets and His holy apostles and leaders. God is not limited in how He speaks. He knows just how to get our attention. If only we would learn to listen.

Here a just a few Bible facts to consider:

1.God wants to speak to you. He desires to lead you and guide you. He wants to show you how to walk in His plan and purpose for your life and experience true satisfaction within and without.

2.God has promised that if we acknowledge Him in all of our ways, He would direct our paths. (Proverbs 3: 5-6) Wow, what a promise.

3.God's number one way of leading each of us is through His Holy Word, the Bible.

4.God will also lead us by an inward prompting which says that something is right or wrong. It would do us good to listen within.

5.God has numerous ways of leading us but the key to victory is learning how to listen and then to respond correctly to His Voice.

Note this fact though friends: God will never lead is contrary to His Written Word, the Holy Bible. This is our sure way of knowing when what we hear is from the Lord. He never contradicts Himself. He never violates His Word.

So as you continue to face life's challenges, do not face them alone. Realize that God knows the paths you and I should take. And if we will only learn to speak to Him and then read His Word and listen for the leading of His Spirit, He will give us the direction that we seek and we need.

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