7 Herbal Remedies You Already Have in Your Kitchen (PHOTOS)

7 Chinese Herbal Remedies Already In Your Kitchen (PHOTOS)
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Many people have asked me if I eat differently since writing "Ancient Wisdom, Modern Kitchen: Recipes from the East for Health, Healing, and Long Life" with Chinese medicine experts Yuan Wang, L.Ac., and Warren Sheir, L.Ac. The answer is "Yes, but not always in the way you might imagine."

Some formerly exotic foods have become familiar (Lotus root? Bring it on!), but a larger shift involves the way I look at many of the ingredients that were already on my kitchen shelf.

Here are seven familiar foods and spices that I have come to appreciate for their therapeutic properties in the 3000-year-old East Asian tradition of treating -- and preventing -- physical ailments through diet.


7 Chinese Herbal Remedies Already in Your Kitchen

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