Herds of Bison and Endless Vacation: What I Learned From Magazines This Week

Reading Magazines this week, I learned that...
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Reading Magazines this week, I learned that:

ViaGen will clone your dog for $50,000.
(Departures, 3/16)

There is a global movement to exempt tampons from taxation.
(Time, 4/4/16)

One of Ronald Reagan's first acts as President was to remove the solar panels from the White House roof.
(Time, 4/4/16)

The Faena, a new upscale hotel in Miami, has chandeliers that flicker whenever lightning strikes the Argentine pampas.
(New York, 3/21/16)

Google and Amazon have better drones and know more about you than the CIA.
(Rolling Stone, 3/24/16)

Eight percent of Americans sleep naked.
(Time, 4/4/16)

Ted Turner owns the world's largest herd of bison.
(Departures, 3/16)

One percent of American companies offer unlimited vacation time.
(Departures, 3/16)

Kickstarter's employees actually spent fewer days out of the office after the company implemented an unlimited vacation time policy.
(Departures, 3/16)

Driverless cars, unlike cars driven by people, always come to a full stop at stop signs.
(Rolling Stone, 3/24/16)

Ted Turner, who, with 2 million acres of land, is the 2nd biggest private landowner in the United States, recently dreamt that he bought Yellowstone National Park.
(Departures, 3/16)

The U.K.'s Environmental Research Council asked the Internet to help name its new $280 million research ship. The name that the internet chose? Boaty McBoatface.
(Time, 4/4/16)

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