Here’s What I learned From Monitoring The Internet’s Comments Following the iPhone X Release

Here’s What I learned From Monitoring The Internet’s Comments Following the iPhone X Release
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Whether you’re an Apple devotee or not, you have to admit that the tech behemoth knows how to make an annual splash with the release of its new models. Similar to model updates of years past, the iPhone X has drawn massive media attention and queuing crowds eager to get their hands on the first batches of the model.

Beyond editorials, I wanted to take a deeper dive into how consumers are really feeling about the release of the iPhone X. To do this, I tapped into SolidOpinion’s CommentRadar technology, which mines reader commentary on publishing sites across the web, to gain deeper insight into audience sentiment on trending topics.

One of the model’s most distinguishing features is it’s new facial recognition technology. Unsurprisingly, articles and videos devoted to covering this technological advancement drew a lot of engagement.

Of the top ten most liked articles and videos covering the release of iPhone X three were focused on the new facial technology. These videos were published by the following outlets:

iJustine’s coverage of the model’s facial recognition technology garnered 6041 likes.

Tech Insider’s coverage of the technology, in which twins were used to test the effectiveness, sparked 5391 likes.

Mashable’s facial recognition technology video received 4644 likes.

Interestingly, all three of these impressions are videos, meaning that curious iPhone fans or cynics are more interested in seeing the technology in action than in reading about another user’s experiences.

While the likes on these videos indicate positive consumer sentiment, some of the comments paint a more decisive picture. For example on Tech Insider’s Twin Test video, the comment, “Tech Insider is being paid by Apple. This is False,” received 17 likes. Conversely, another user comment exclaiming, “In another twin video, it unlocks the phone easily,” received 13 replies and 222 likes.

Users are necessarily skeptical of apple’s advancements in the technology, but judging by common threads in these sections, it does seem that users are on high alert of paid publication sponsorship, which inherently makes them trust the videos/articles less.

Of course, no iPhone release is complete without some consumer gripe. Some of the conversations that drew consumer ire are the costs of repairing an iPhone X screen, the supply shortage. A Reddit thread and an Ars Technica article both sparked some of the greatest number of dislikes regarding the cost of screen repairs for this model.

Reddit - This Reddit thread incited over 646 dislikes.

Ars Technica - This article drew over 401 reader dislikes.

In addition to likes on the general thread, individual comments regarding the iPhone X’s screen garnered massive attention from Redditors. In fact, the most liked comment across media coverage, detailed ways in which users can avoid screen damage, and thus, avoid paying the high screen repair fees. The comment, which received 8335 likes, reads as:

“Two Pro tips... \n\n1.\tGet the $19 screen protector from Apple when you buy your phone (assuming you get it from Apple) .. they will install it and Belkin insures the screen when it's installed by Apple.\n\n2.\tSkip the Apple Care agreement entirely and just buy your phone with an Amex since they automatically give you a year of insurance on any electronic device after the first year of full coverage that comes with the phone ends.\n\nEdit.. I have never had screen damage but I have had a phone overheat and die.. Amex paid for a brand new replacement from the Apple store without issue.”

As more people receive their iPhone X’s and have the opportunity to test out the features, it is likely that more conversation angles for emerge. But within this first week of iPhone X mania, the model’s facial recognition technology and high-end screen garnered the most attention, for better and worse.

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