People In Art History Who Can't Today, Because It's 4/20

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Happy April 20th. Celebrate this blessed occasion by staring at some art. An even greater idea? Visit a museum by yourself. But in the meantime:

Edouard Manet, "Luncheon on the Grass," 1862-1863
Edouard Manet, "Luncheon on the Grass," 1862-1863

I, too, tend to lose my clothing when "luncheoning on the grass."

Johannes Vermeer, "The Astronomer," circa 1668
Johannes Vermeer, "The Astronomer," circa 1668

"It's, like, the whole world, man ... Oh my God, this fabric is divine."

John William Waterhouse, "Cleopatra," 1888
John William Waterhouse, "Cleopatra," 1888

Cleopatra is not available today, she'll be feeling her stone dog's head for at least 90 more minutes.

Caspar David Friedrich, "Wandered above the Sea Fog," 1818
Caspar David Friedrich, "Wandered above the Sea Fog," 1818

Yeah, well, Caspar's been there for six hours.


She knows what's up.

Vincent van Gogh, "Self-Portrait," 1888
Vincent van Gogh, "Self-Portrait," 1888

And van Gogh knows what's up.

Toshusai Sharaku, Oniji Ōtani III (aka. Nakazō Nakamura II) as Edobee in the May 1794 production of Koi Nyōbo Somewake Tazuna at Edo Kawarasaki-za theater
Toshusai Sharaku, Oniji Ōtani III (aka. Nakazō Nakamura II) as Edobee in the May 1794 production of Koi Nyōbo Somewake Tazuna at Edo Kawarasaki-za theater


Grant Wood, "American Gothic," 1930
Grant Wood, "American Gothic," 1930

Guess which one?
Wrong, they both are.

Edvard Munch, "The Scream," 1893
Edvard Munch, "The Scream," 1893

Everyone else is all, "It's a bridge, dude."
Edvard's like: "Nope nope nope nope."

Peter Paul Rubens, "Two Satyrs," between 1618 and 1619
Peter Paul Rubens, "Two Satyrs," between 1618 and 1619

Thirsty Satyr: "Pass me the grapes."
Sinister Satyr: "Never, you horned imp."
Thirsty Satyr: "K."

Edvard Munch, "Self-Portrait with a Burning Cigarette," 1895
Edvard Munch, "Self-Portrait with a Burning Cigarette," 1895

Today, Munch will be staring into the mirror whilst pondering what blue smells like.

Mary Cassatt, "Woman with a Pearl Necklace in a Loge," 1879
Mary Cassatt, "Woman with a Pearl Necklace in a Loge," 1879

The only way to enjoy an opera loge, guys.

Edouard Manet, "Portrait of Stephane Mallarme," 1876
Edouard Manet, "Portrait of Stephane Mallarme," 1876

"Did you see that? Guys, my journal just moved, guys. I swear, it moved of its own volition."
*No one else is in the room.*

Giuseppe Arcimboldo, "Rudolf II of Hamsburg," 1590
Giuseppe Arcimboldo, "Rudolf II of Hamsburg," 1590

"What vegetables?"

Fransois Boucher, β€œLa Toilette intime,” 1760s
Fransois Boucher, β€œLa Toilette intime,” 1760s

Charlotte is peeing wherever and whenever she wants today, cause it's HER DAY.

Herbert James Draper, "The Foam Sprite," 1895
Herbert James Draper, "The Foam Sprite," 1895

Yes, this naked woman riding a sea creature, she's enjoying herself today.

Judith Leyster, "Self-Portrait," 1633
Judith Leyster, "Self-Portrait," 1633

Judith Leyster: "Of course I am, you fool."

Hieronymus Bosch, "The Garden of Earthly Delights," 1490-1510
Hieronymus Bosch, "The Garden of Earthly Delights," 1490-1510

Every. Last. One of them.

Every so often, HuffPost Arts & Culture attempts to bring to light a few forgotten gems with our slightly humorous look back at art history. For past examples see here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here and here.

Before You Go

"You're looking at me as if I can help but I seriously cannot even."

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