How Generating Your Own Power Might Help Save The Planet

How Generating Your Own Power Might Help Save The Planet
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The transformation our world has undertaken in the past decade and a half is nothing sort of astounding. As a global society, we’ve gone from not really caring all that much about the environment to making it an international issue of the highest importance. Many countries and individuals are going to great lengths to ensure that their impact on the environment is as small as possible to help mitigate the oncoming disaster of climate change.

Our ever-increasing global energy demands are undoubtedly the largest contributing factor to the amount of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere. The world is rolling out renewable energy as quickly as possible and these days our energy is greener and cleaner than ever. However, for the foreseeable future, we’ve still got to rely on fossil fuels to some extent.

Many people would love to run their homes on renewable energy and given the choice they would use a supplier that uses renewable power sources. But unfortunately, that choice is simply not available in the majority of places…

So one innovative company is providing consumers with the option of using the next best thing.

Enter The N-Gen-1

Natural gas is considered to be one of the cleanest non-renewable forms of energy on the planet. It’s a million miles away from the dirty and harmful coal power that runs the vast majority of power stations on the planet. N-Gen Technologies is capitalizing on this by developing a product that allows you to generate all the electricity you need through natural gas in your home.

The reasonably small (and currently stylish looking) generator is still in the development phase, but it already shows great promise. The concept is stunningly simple, it’s one of those things you wonder why no one has thought of it before. You hook up the generator to your property’s electrical grid, you hook it up to your property’s gas line, and then you switch it on.

The N-Gen-1 is shaping up to be a fully fledged smart generator that will be able to provide enough power for most medium to large sized homes. The natural gas fuel it uses is already more eco-friendly than the coal your local power station probably uses, but the other main benefit is proximity.

Once dirty coal power has been generated at a power station it needs to traverse your local (aging) power grid and network to reach your home. This is horribly inefficient and a huge amount of energy is lost during transit. By generating your power in your basement – you remove all of this wastage from your energy consumption.

The N-Gen-1 is promising to be an incredibly quiet machine to ensure customer satisfaction, and unless you place it in your bedroom you’re not going to notice it running. But perhaps the most exciting thing about this product is the economic benefits it provides.

It’s going to be cheaper than solar to install, and it’s going to provide you with massive savings on your current energy bills. The return on investment is shaping up to be monumental, the cost of the device will be paid for via energy bill savings within a few years at most.

The Future

We’re sure that if the N-Gen-1 is as successful as many people predict - it will not be the only residential gas-powered generator on the market. It has already raised over $100,000 from a crowdfunding campaign that’s quickly going viral.

We look forward to seeing what the final product looks like when it’s released. If it delivers even half of what N-Gen Technologies say it is capable of – it’s going to be a success.

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