How the Software Revolution is Changing our World

How the Software Revolution is Changing our World
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Software will dramatically change our lives and our society. We are in the midst of dramatic societal changes driven by software -- a revolution propelled by software innovation.

As chair of the World Economic Forum's Global Agenda Council (GAC) on the Future of Software and Society, I work with experts from business, academia, and development backgrounds to identify and analyze how today's advancements in software are shaping the world around us. Our Council has released a new report, "Deep Shift: 21 Ways Software Will Transform Global Society." The report describes software innovation and highlights predictions about the many ways in which software will change our lives and our world. So much of what we do is enabled by software: from building smarter cities by analyzing traffic patterns, to providing rural farmers from Indiana to India with real-time mobile data to improve their harvests, the software revolution is transforming the way we live.

These developments do not come without challenges. Our Council's mission is to help society navigate these changes, both positive and negative. How can we best address societal impacts related to privacy, security, and job disruption? Greater collaboration between industry, policymakers, academia, and citizens of the world will help us chart our course through these software innovations that are poised to dramatically change our lives.

To read the entire "Deep Shift: 21 Ways Software Will Transform Global Society" report, click here.


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