How to Help Kids Develop Healthy Habits

How to Help Kids Develop Healthy Habits
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During a recent interview, I was asked several questions regarding issues faced by parents as they try to instill healthy patterns in the life of their children. I believe it to be very beneficial to share a few questions along with our answers. It is my hope these answers will inspire courage to continue to bring up children with lifestyle conducive to health.

What's the biggest factor for a child's health - diet or exercise?

Diet is the biggest factor by far. 80% of long-term lifestyle outcome is tied directly to what you put in your mouth. Children, and adults, should focus on multiple servings of vegetables. Additionally, quality proteins should be consumed. Our glycemic index food chart will help open your eyes to what kids should and shouldn’t eat.

Obviously being sedentary is a bad thing, but with exercise, just BE ACTIVE and don't allow the children (or parents for that matter) to be routinely inactive.

Why do you think parents seem to be in denial about their kids' weight/health?

Parents, and children, are in denial simply because society as a whole is in denial. Being overweight is now the norm. Being slim is becoming increasingly unusual. One cannot help but observe the opposite occurred as recent as 50 years ago.

In addition, marketers have capitalized on people in advertising "quick fix remedies and diets" that amount to nothing more than money making schemes. We must understand that healthy lifestyle is not just an option; it is our responsibility as human beings to care for this temple we call the body.

What's the best way to get through to parents, so they can help their kids change bad habits?

Parents should begin today by leading the way. When preparing food, prepare healthy foods. Do not give kids option to go the unhealthy route. Don't prepare special meals. Just make the healthy meal. If the child does not eat, exhibit tough love.

Over time, tastes and eating patterns will change. Stay with it. Parents, furthermore, must exhibit healthy bodies, minds, and spirits in an exemplary manner for their children. This is because their children will definitely repeat the behavior that was modeled before them. It must NOT be do as I say and not as I do.

Is there a way to help kids if parents aren't doing the job?

If parents do not do the job, things can be difficult. It is very sad when a parent does not understand they MUST lead the way. That is why they were BLESSED with children. However, by including kids in group activities, such as exercise, sporting teams, or clubs, benefits can be received. It is important that parents examine the leaders of these organizations to ensure the leaders are modeling the desired behavior for the kids to see.

Boys are more active than girls. Is there a way to positively influence this?

That is a very general of course, but it is important to build in group activities for both boys and girls. Girls should be specifically encouraged to move more because of their genetically less developed muscle tissue. In the long term, this can prevent bone loss and muscle wasting.

How will the new AHA recommendations be handled by physicians? Will it make an impact?

Our hope is that physicians get on board and model it themselves. There is nothing worse than a physician telling someone to do something they are not willing to do themselves. When children see leaders, such as physicians, they must see behaviors modeled that they wish to repeat in their own lives.

These recommendations are step in the right direction. However, we are not there yet as we are still including sugars, grains, and breads. Over time, it is our belief these inflammatory and offending foods will find their way out on the standard American diet.

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