HRM Lessons Learned from Uber CEO Travis Kalanick Resignation

HRM Lessons Learned from Uber CEO Travis Kalanick Resignation
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Uber Technologies Inc.’s co-founder and chief executive, Travis Kalanick, has resigned after a group of investors pressured him to step down following a bruising six months of scandal and setbacks, marking a stunning turnabout for one of Silicon most successful startups. The San Francisco start-up, valued at nearly $70 billion, has been rocked this year by allegations of a toxic culture that allowed bad behavior and sexual harassment to go unchecked for years.


When there are no checks and balances and accountability you will see the companies, culture suffer as well as the downfall of the company. We see this a lot with founders. I call it the Founders Syndrome. They start believing they are untouchable.

When stock holders are involved and their focus in on building the brand they will eventually step in sometimes at the last minute when the damage has already been done. We have watched the many issues with CEO Kalanick and saw the writing on the wall. The stock holders and other leadership should have stepped in before staff morale and brand image was at an all-time low. They have much work to do to rebuild with not only their staff but the public. Coaching Staff and having accountability is key

Leadership that will Kill the Company Culture and be HR Nightmare

  • When leaders believe, your paycheck should be thanks enough
  • Have all the ideas but not addressing the issues
  • Don’t communicate well, or at all
  • Don’t practice emotional intelligence
  • When they can’t keep, employees engaged
  • Lack of transparency
  • There are secrets everywhere
  • People come and go and no one cares

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